Adult & Learner Education
Adult education seems to be another important tool available to reduce the rate of illiteracy in the country and enhance social change. We provide unrivalled Adult Education programmes and to adults on a wide range of topics which are meant to bridge the gap between what should have been achieved at school and what needs to be learned to function better as an employee. Our services here strive to provide basic learning tools, knowledge and skills to adults nationally. The below showcases some of the many projects we did for Gauteng Department of Education.

Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (Gauteng Department of Education)-School Governing Body Toolkit Contract
In 2012, TGC was awarded a tender (279 other service providers) to provide a Toolkit for School Governing Body (SGB) Members. TGC had to analyse the materials provided and develop an instructional design for the communication of a vision for the effective running of our schools.

Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance-Parental Support Programme
The Department of Education in the Gauteng has since put in place various interventions, with the purpose of improving education outcomes in the province. Amongst other key interventions is the Parental Partnership Programme which TGC have been fortunate enough to be given the responsibility of developing.

Public Ordinary Schools Procedures Manual
In 2016, The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) contracted us to put together a simple and easy to understand Public Ordinary Schools Procedures Manual, which will help establish a solid platform for financial management that involves the School Governing Body (SGB) and senior management at the school.

Representative Council of Learners (RCL) Capacity Building Programme
In 2013 we were tasked with producing material for RCL members to become acquainted with their roles and responsibilities towards the learners that they represent. The materials equipped RCLs with the practical tools and skills to carry out their tasks efficiently.