Enterprise Development 2018-11-08T06:06:38+00:00

Enterprise Development

TGC have implemented a number of Enterprise Development and Rural Development solutions and programmes throughout the SADC Region. TGC helps small businesses to achieve their goals in terms of  starting up, sustainability and growth. Small businesses are critical for improving living standards, developing the economy and maximising job creation opportunities especially for women and youth.
Forestry toolkit for rural SMMEs - Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)
TGC was contracted to provide a SMME Guidelines to assist SMMEs, in the forestry sector, to grow and sustain their businesses.
Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) Botswana. The Handbook of Services
The Guild and SBDA were tasked with creating a LEA Handbook of Services and Training. This Handbook, would contain all relevant information picked up from the scope...
TGS is also in partnerships with various business chambers in southern Africa, as well as SADC itself. This has entailed developing an SMME Toolkit into specific countries, adapting and translating to local environments...