The Guild and SBDA were tasked with creating a LEA Handbook of Services and Training. This Handbook, would contain all relevant information picked up from the scope, existing materials and the consultative process, so in other words a flagship Handbook, that contains everything for LEA client facing staff . From this it can be unpacked and used in other educational and marketing LEA collateral.
Objectives of the project
1. To create a Handbook and training thereof, to allow the LEA champions to enthusiastically and competently coach/mentor clients
• The Handbook to be user friendly, accessible and engaging to help champions access the information that they require easily
• The training will specifically be focused on enthusiastic delivery of the message to end users and clients – how an entrepreneurial message can be delivered effectively and passionately, as well as being able to understand potential and existing SMMEs
2. Develop a culture of entrepreneurial learning
• Entrepreneurial learning is a unique culture, which is exciting, fast paced and ground breaking, trying to embed a culture within LEAto be more entrepreneurial (thinking like an entrepreneur)3. Empower LEA champions to make decisions (staff facing)
• Due to the current processes and procedures, sometimes decision making can be difficult. This point goes back to the entrepreneurial culture, which allows people to make decisions and embrace a spirit of entrepreneurship, let's cut the red tape and have less bureaucracy?
4. Advise on relevant and effective assessment tools
• The screening tools don’t seem to be as effective as they could be in ensuring that LEA processes the right calibre of entrepreneurs that will be successful. The consultancy has advised on potential enhancements or changes, and have added in content into theHandbook that could help in ensuring the right entrepreneurs are processed and move onto the next level – we still believe the screening process needs to be more stringent?
5. Enable service delivery to be standardised• From the original ToR, service delivery seems to be different in the various regions. The Handbook aims to standardise the service delivery across the different branches.
6. To fully understand the end user/s (the various categories)
• In order to ascertain the reasons behind in-activity and potential lack of commitment from clients, it is our opinion that the data and the clients need to be fully understood.
7. To encourage LEA clients to less be needy
• We have noticed in our site visits that some BA’s spend a tremendous amount of time with clients, even doing mundane activities that the client (the entrepreneur) should be doing as a matter of course, The Handbook and training intends to lesson this dependency and make clients more reliant, as true entrepreneurs should be.